Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Why we are fundraising for 'Over The Wall'

What work does 'Over The Wall' do?
The charity which we are fundraising for offers holiday camping experiences to children with a range of serious illnesses which include cancer, heart disease, sickle cell and other illnesses.

The work that Over The Wall does helps children to overcome some of their fears and experience activities which they have never been able to do in the past such as swimming, archery, rock climbing, kayaking and others.

The approximate cost for a child to attend the camp for a week is £1000 and this comes from donations meaning there is no cost to the parents/guardians of the child.

Why did we choose to fundraise for this charity specifically?
I have personally experienced the work that this charity does after attending one of their camps on 2 different occasions for a total of 2 weeks. During my childhood I suffered from Leukaemia a form of blood cancer when I was approximately 3 years old and relapsed at the age of 11.
 This meant most of my time was spent within hospitals and at home instead of attending school meaning I didn't receive much of a primary education.

The effect this had on myself personally is a lack of confidence within social and academic situations, meaning it is more difficult to make friends and learn.
But I believe with the support networks around me such as charitable causes such as 'Over The Wall' and family I can continue life just like everyone else but reflect on my experiences and help make a difference.

How did Pixels4Progress come into existence?
I have always had a passion for helping charitable causes especially those based around helping children who either have a disability or serious illness as I believe in giving back so another child can experience what they gave me.
 I also have always had a strong interest in gaming mainly since the Sega Megadrive  (That was the console when I was younger). I started using Playstation Home back in 2008/09 and have met some fantastic people from the community who have joined this group with myself to help with the event we are holding on the 21st July.

Do you have to donate to attend the event?
Nope you don't however we want to raise as much as we possibly can so all donations are vital and really do add up. The more we receive in donations the more we can provide in prizes for pre-event and during the event. Thank you to those who have donated to date.

What's next after the Playstation Home fundraiser?
Pixels4Progress will still continue and will help promote other fundraisers based around gaming.
We may do another Playstation Home fundraiser depending on what happens with the current one we are holding and the future status of Home.
If the end of Playstation Home does arrive we will look towards other games or social games.

How have Lockwood helped with the event?
They have helped in many ways such as mentioning the event on Twitter, Facebook and well as putting a banner in the gift machine.
They will be providing some content to give out to those who help our fundraising efforts and support our event.
We really appreciate the work and time that Tim has put in to helping us out as without him and the Lockwood team there would most likely not be an event.

Can I volunteer to join the team?
We are always looking for help to get our events mentioned and are ever so grateful to all of those who pledge support. In regards to joining the team if you are interested please send an application to - Application forms will be up later today. It's nothing formal and we are very friendly. : )

Donation Page:
OTW Registered Charity No.1075361

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